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CALMARs network - CALcareous MARine Skeletons as recorders of global climate changes
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Department of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry - Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussels - BELGIUM
Frank Dehairs. language: NL, FR and/or ENG; e-mail: [email protected]; address: Frank Dehairs Vrije Universiteit Brussel Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
Suggestions for Thesis topics EcoMaMa 2007-2008 . Tentative title: open . Promoter/Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. Frank Dehairs/Dr. Steven Bouillon ([email protected], [email protected])
Britta Gribsholt, Henricus (Eric) T.S. Boschker, Eric Struyf, Maria Andersson, Anton Tramper, Loreto De Brabandere, Stefan van Damme, Natacha Brion, Patrick Meire, Frank Dehairs ...