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Lab credits: The FFT processor used in the lab is based on VHDL code written by Fahad Qureshi. Lab update There is a bug in as the sdf file which contains delay information ...
... for help with the computer systems and programs in some of the courses I teach. •pastandpresentPhD students at Electronics Systems for help and support: Amir Eghbali, Fahad Qureshi ...
Oscar Gustafsson and Fahad Qureshi, Addition Aware Quantization for Low Complexity and High Precision Constant Multiplication, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2010, (17), 2, 173-176
Fahad Qureshi: Ph.D. student: [email protected] +46-13-28 1389: Zakaullah Sheikh: Ph.D. student: [email protected] +46-13-28 4026: Muhammad Abbas: Ph.D. student