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Eugene Joseph "Gene" McCarthy (March 29, 1916 – December 10, 2005) was an American politician, poet, and a long-time member of the United States Congress from Minnesota.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010 Galway native Dr Eugene McCarthy was part of a GMIT team that recently took top honours at the inaugural World Varsities Fly Fishing Championship at ...
Popular News Topics including Top Ten Companies, Personalities, Places and Politics, regularly updated to reflect what's happening and interesting to readers.
The remainder of this article is only available to paid subscribers. If you’re not currently a Commonweal subscriber in print or online, an online-only subscription costs just $29 ...
Eugene McCarthy Cork reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Cork and beyond.
Emerson Network Power (Public Company; EMR; Telecommunications industry): Global Account Manager, (April 2006-July 2010)
Artesyn Technologies&...