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... Amorim: A five-year survey on the seasonal occurrence of dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from a warm-temperate region (Cascais Bay, Portugal) 28 André Rochon & Éric Potvin ...
[My paper] Shiping Zhang, Yi Chen, Eric Potvin, Francois Sanschagrin, Roger C Levesque, Francis X McCormack, Gee W Lau
Eric Potvin; John J Rowe; Donald F Hunt; Roger C Levesque; Gee W Lau; Jill Schurr; Irena Kukavica-Ibrulj; Irena Kukavica Ibrulj; Staffan Kjelleberg; Karin Sauer
Éric Potvin (G) 1988-05-12: 2006 - 2007: 1: 3----Denis Restoule (RW) 1991-01-31: 2009 - 2010: 1: 20: 2: 1: 3: 56: Mike Rey (F) 1989-04-20: 2009 - 2010: 1: 42: 18: 36: 54: 22: Steven Robinson (LW)
[My paper] Shiping Zhang, Yi Chen, Eric Potvin, Francois Sanschagrin, Roger C Levesque, Francis X McCormack, Gee W Lau
Tyco Electronics (Public Company; TEL; Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry): Mech. Engineer for Randstad prof., (August 2009-January 2010) ...