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Contact InsPyro at or contact one of the team members directly: Sander Arnout: Els Nagels: Mail InsPyro bvba Kapeldreef 60 3001 Leuven
Sales: +32 16 298 492 . E-mail. For any information, contact InsPyro at . You can also e-mail your contact directly: Sander Arnout: Els Nagels:
- E-mail: send your subscription to [email protected] - Phone: call Els Nagels on +32/16.298.492 Once subscribed you will receive a confirmation and a detailed route description.
Solidification. Contact persons: Ludo Froyen, Fabienne Lemoisson, Svetlana Ebzeeva, Els Nagels. Solidification of intermetallics in space. Contact persons: Ludo Froyen, Fabienne ...
Sander Arnout T: 016 298 491 [email protected] [email protected] Els Nagels T: 016 298 492 [email protected]
K.U.Leuven (Educational Institution; Research industry): Research assistant, (September 2004-September 2009) As a research assistant I worked in two diffe...