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Production manager: Eivind Karlsen +47 97 01 49 45 [email protected]. Momentum 2011 – kuratorenes e-post adresser: Markús Þór Andrésson (IS) [email protected]
Eivind Karlsen, Exhibition Technician: +4797014945: ek[AT] Siv Hofsvang, Curator (maternety leave Nov -10 - July - 11): +4792050787: sh[AT]
Responsible of study programme: Eivind Karlsen E-mail address: [email protected] Location: Høgskolen i Bodø Teaching language: English Costs: No tuition fee
Hovig Eivind; Karlsen Frank; Furuberg Liv; Sirevåg Reidun; Affiliation: NorChip AS: Microsystems and Nanotechnology: Radiumhospitalet: University of Oslo
Kjell Eivind Karlsen Technical Director (COO) Mob +47 907 44 266 Office +47 386 00 152 [email protected] [email protected] Harald Wennesland Commercial Director (CCO)
Avinet As (Broadcast Media industry): Owner, (-)