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Data mining MARC to find: FRBR? by Knut Hegna and Eeva Murtomaa Abstract: In this project MARC data from two national bibliographies is analyzed in the light of the data model ...
On the importance of conceptual models in the organization of knowledge - a brief feature on the IFLA models Eeva Murtomaa & Päivi Pekkarinen
Ms Eeva Murtomaa member of the Finnish organising committee, Helsinki University Library [email protected], tel ...
Ms. Eeva Murtomaa Helsinki University Library POB 26, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Email: eeva.murtomaa(at) The new ISBN
Eeva Murtomaa & Päivi Pekkarinen: The Acerbi project – mapping meanings into travels in Sweden and Finland Jessica Parland-von Essen: The semantic code of Topelius