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Patrik Grahn ; Tommy Bengtsson ; Ph D Students. Davit Bzhalava; Ebba Malmqvist; Luciana Quaranata ; Serhiy Dekhtyar; Print version Tell a friend about this page
Supervised PhD students : Kerstin Nilsson Ebba Malmqvist 10. Research collaboration : Professor Lars Hagmar, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University, 2000 ...
... Sociala och organisatoriska utmaningar på en högteknologisk arena 26 nov IKDC Lilla hörsalen AMM/EAT: Riskbedömning för kolnanorör 10 dec F5, C-blocket AMM: Ebba Malmqvist: Air ...
The results were presented by the postgraduate student in the project, Ebba Malmqvist, at an international conference at San Diego in March, and will constitute an important part ...
Greenpeace International (Research industry): e-activism intern, (2006-2006)