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06/11/2010: Best Paper Award voor Vicky Cole, Joël Branson & Diane Breesch. Vicky Cole, Joël Branson & Diane Breesch have received the International Journal of Accounting and ...
Cole, Vicky, Joël Branson, & Diane Breesch (In Press). In search of the invisible user of financial statements and his information needs. The (non)sense of different standards for ...
By Diane Breesch and Joel Branson; Abstract: From the existing literature, it appears that gender has a significant influence on the manner in which information is
By Vicky Cole, Joel Branson and Diane Breesch; Abstract: Since 2005, listed EU companies apply IFRS to prepare their consolidated financial statements. Users might get the
D. BREESCH (email: [email protected] ) Subject area work unit Sports policy and managment