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Website for the Department of Chemistry, NUI Maynooth. Information about chemistry courses, our staff and reserch groups.
Denise Rooney Design of novel doped conducting polymers for the controlled release of carbon monoxide
Dr. Denise Rooney Tel: +353-1-7083616 Fax: +353 –1 7083815 Email: [email protected] . Research: Organometallic Chemistry. Environmental Technologies & Biomaterials
Contact: Dr. Carmel Breslin or Dr. Denise Rooney, Department of Chemistry, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland; E-mail: [email protected] , ad ...
Research applications are generally accepted at any time ... Prof. Carmel Breslin / Dr. Denise Rooney
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Accounting Solutions (Accounting industry): Owner, (-)