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The events have also beed added to LinkedIn here (North Dublin) and here (South Dublin) Cheers – David Dungan Connector Email: [email protected]
Members of the Research Team are Lamar Cope, David Dungan, William Farmer, Allan McNicol, David Peabody and Philip Shuler. Thomas Longstaff is also a member of the team though he was not directly involved ...
... social media and digital marketing communities For more info about Connector please visit our websites and all candidates should forward their CV with cover letter to david.dungan ...
... address from Ms Rosilyne Borland and Dr Nenette Motus of the IOM was followed by presentations from Dr. Nebojša Nikolić of the IMHA, Dr. Asif Altaf of the ITF, Dr David Dungan from ...
Freelance (Computer Networking industry): Web Designer, (January 2010-April 2010) I'm currently designing websites on a freelance basis.