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Welcome to my web page! About me Currently, I am a PhD student. My PhD is in Computer Science and I started in October 1, 2007. The theme of my thesis is: Methods and Techniques to ...
GraAl |AGrammarAnalyzer Danielada Cru z 1, Nuno Oliveira 1, Pedro Rangel Henriques 1, and SAT-Students 1? Departamentode Inform atica, Universidadedo Minho, Campus de Gualtar, Braga ...
Short CV.. Research ..... interests.. Publications.. Personal ..... interests.. Links .. DEM's Image..... Analysis Lab... To DEM's..... home page: M. DANIELA R. CRUZ
Contact the organizing secretary Mrs. Angela C. Derick for more information. Email: [email protected] See you in the Seminar. Regards Miss Daniela Cruz danielacruz ...
Specifying Languages using Aspect-oriented Approach: AspectLISA, Damijan Rebernak, Marjan Mernik, Pedro Rangel Henriques, Maria João Varanda Pereira, Daniela Cruz, 28th ...
Universidade do Minho (Educational Institution; Higher Education industry): Lecturer, (2005-Present)
Universidade do Minho (Instituio acadmica; Setor Ensino superior): PhD Student, (Outubro de 2007-Presente)
Universidade do Minho (Instituio acadmica; Setor E...