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mother: Brenda Eldorado Nefer : kontakt tel. 510-433-502, 603-097-709: [email protected] [email protected]
Thanks also go to fellow graduate students and research group members Daniel Zimmer-man, Eve Schooler, Michel Charpentier, Roman Ginis, Paolo Sivilotti, John Thornley, and Berna ...
* Daniel Zimmer (2006-02-02) writes: > Unfortunately I get an error during "make" of the AUCTeX installation > under Windows in MSYS resulting that preview-latex doesn't work at ...
Ulrich Schwalbe, Daniel Zimmer: Law and economics in European merger control pp. 73-74 Juergen Backhaus Volkmar Gessner (ed): Contractual certainty in international trade: empirical ...
‘‘There are two main water issues at the moment," says Daniel Zimmer, associate director of the World Water Council (WWC). ‘‘Access to water and basic sanitation, and the sharing ...
IKEA Communications AB (Furniture industry): Production Manager, (January 2003-July 2007)