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Teodor Danielsson +46 731 57 00 00 [email protected]. Daniel Scherman +46 733 33 75 75 [email protected]
... MS: INSERM, U 844, INM, Hoˆpital St. E ´ loi, and Universite´Montpellier 1, UFR de Me´decine, Montpellier, France; 2 Virginie Escriou, PhD, Ce´line Largeau, MS, Daniel Scherman, PhD ...
Daniel Scherman: Professor, CNRS, INSERM, ENSCP, Paris Descartes University, France: Peptide vaccination mediated induction of tumour immunity: Farzin Farzaneh
[My paper] Eihab Kabha, Claire Jacquement, Gaëlle Pembouong, Nathalie Mignet, Daniel Scherman, Jean Herscovici
Daniel Scherman; Marie Carrière; Cyrille Richard; Jeanne Leblond; Jean Herscovici; Isabelle Tranchant; Johanne Seguin; Marie Garinot; Eihab Kabha; Christophe Masson
Accenture (Public Company; 10,001+ employees; ACN; Management Consulting industry): Manager, (August 2000-December 2008)