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« Back: Christopher Bona, Attorney at Law/ Managing Partner Linköping Partner Office Linköping Contact information Direct phone: +46 13 35 62 07 Mobile phone: +46 709 25 26 27
Christopher Bona, the company's(Baxter) global bioscience communications director ... I google 'BioTest subsidiary of Baxter' and this thread was the second result.
From: Christopher Bona <[email protected]> A statement on behalf of Baxter-----I would like to provide the following update to a posting on ProMED
Advokaterna Christopher Bona och Magnus Nedstrand, Advokatfirman Delphi samt Magnus Bardh, NetClean Technologies, leder seminariet i Linköping den 1 juni med start 8.00.
Advokaterna Christopher Bona och Magnus Nedstrand, Advokatfirman Delphi samt Magnus Bardh, NetClean Technologies, leder seminariet i Linköping den 1 juni med start 8.00.
Advokatfirman Delphi (Legal Services industry): Lawyer/partner, (1994-Present)