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Cato Litangen UNEP/GRID-Arendal [email protected] Adam Bumpus Entico Corporation Ltd. Victoria Chambers 16 – 18 Strutton Ground London
... opportunity to thank the following members of the GRID-Arendal staff who helped prepare this report: Elaine Baker, Rob Barnes, Emmanuelle Bournay, Lars Haltbrekken, Cato Litangen ...
... first and foremost is our job to support the supporters of the art and those who creates solid and sustainable structures within the arts- and culture sector, "said Cato Litangen.
... Randi Braathe, chairman From the group board of directors: Inge K. Hansen (chairman) Gunnhild H. Andersen Marianne Bø Engebretsen Kjetil Kristensen Marianne Lie Cato Litangen Randi ...
Hamborg Marianne Lie Cato Litangen Magne Revheim Einar Rist Jorund Stellberg Randi B. Sætershagen Hans Ellef Wettre Tor Øwre Deputies: Petter Aasen Jonfinn Fløtre Kjetil Kristensen CEO: