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The examiner was Carl-Axel Engdahl of the Department of Applied Information Systems, KTH, and the supervisor was Erik Landberg, chairman of the board at Goyada. 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 ...
Kostnaden är två kronor per adress, mininum 400 kr. Kontakta enheten för vidareutbildning, Carl-Axel Engdahl, anknytning 6968, <[email protected]>.
"National boundaries and cultural mores still have an enormous part to play in consumer-to-consumer, business-to-consumer and business-to-business marketing," says Carl-Axel Engdahl ...
Listan innehåller 15722 träffar. Tips: Gör sökningen mer exakt genom att välja ... Internationell marknadsföring : i ett globalt perspektiv av Carl-Axel Engdahl