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Duterme C, Mertens-Strijthagen J, Tammi M, Flamion B. Two novel functions of hyaluronidase-2 (hyal-2) are formation of the glycocalyx and control of CD44-ERM interactions.
→ 2010 2009 2008. 2010 Conférences C. Mertens, F. Grenez, L.Crevier-Buchman, J. Schoentgen, Reliable tracking based on speech sample salience of vocal cycle length perturbations
Time series of transport variability and spreading paths of the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre A. Ströh, C. Mertens, D. Kieke and M. Rhein Institute of Environmental Physics ...
C. Mertens ÆOsamuNakagomiÆJohnT. Patton ÆFrancoM. Ruggeri ÆLindaJ. Saif Æ Norma SantosÆ Andrej Steyer ÆKokiTaniguchiÆUlrichDesselbergerÆMarcVanRanst Received: 2June 2008 ...
- C. MERTENS, art. Laporte André, in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, uitg. dr. S. SADIE, Londen, 1980, p. 466 - H. SABBE, Nachtmuziek van André Laporte, in Vlaams ...