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Brian Kirkegaard [email protected] Department of Information Studies Royal School of Library and Information Science, Aalborg Branch . Project title: “Application of secondary information ...
Profile Associated with the following organizations. Department of Computer Science ; The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Brian Kirkegaard Position: System og Netværksadministrator. Address: Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300. Room 4.2.03. DK-9220 Aalborg East. Email: [email protected]
Brian Kirkegaard Nielsen Tanja Svarre Jonasen . 2003: Jørgen Bech Pedersen. 2001: Lars Edinger Kari Hølland Lone L. Jensen Anja Skaar Jacobsen
Online Learning: virtual communication and collaboration Kick-off course/introduction to Virtual-U . Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld. Stefan Knold. Brian Kirkegaard
Danish Army (Government Administration industry): NCO, Army Reserve, (1994-2006)