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Oprettet på K Forum: onsdag 17. oktober 2007
The cooperation with Kluge & Partners A / S has had great influence on my personal career. Until now it has been the best recruitment partner I've worked with, both in regard to my ...
Ansvarlig for udvikling af New Media og alt online content hos TV3
* 8. december 1969 in Svendborg ~ 5. september 1998 in Ribe Cathedral
Bo Petersen Egeskovvej 122 DK-7000 Fredericia Mobile +45 2465 0647 E-Mail: [email protected]
SimCorp A/S (Public Company; SIM; Computer Software industry): Manager, (January 2005-F...
Clena High Pressure systems A/S (Machinery industry): Managing director, (October 2001-Present)
Bladkompagniet A/S (Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry): Lssalgschef, (June 2006-March 2009) - Salg af magasindistribution til massemarkedet (B2B og B2R). - Rep...
Sagem Denmark (Privately Held; Information Technology and Services industry): Production technician, (March 1996-November 2009)
Ascom Nordic...
Wavin (Public Company; 5001-10,000 employees; Plastics industry): IT consultant, (1995-2001)
Jrgen Kruuse A/S (Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Veterinary industry): IT coordinator,&nb...