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Bo Gunnarsson, Technical Manager. Tel: +46 471 488 10. Mob: +46 70 399 07 76. e-mail: [email protected]
Bo Gunnarsson: 1995: The Novels of William Gerhardie. Ilkka Joki: 1994: Mamet, Bakhtin, and the Dramatic: The Demotic as a Variable of Addressivity. Tuija Virtanen-Ulfhielm
In particular, I would like to thank the editorial committee, consisting of Bengt-Erik Bengtsson, Stockholm University, Bo Gunnarsson, Apoteket AB, Helene Hagerman and Karin Liljelund ...
Bo Gunnarsson: 1995: The Novels of William Gerhardie. Ilkka Joki: 1994: Mamet, Bakhtin, and the Dramatic: The Demotic as a Variable of Addressivity. Tuija Virtanen-Ulfhielm
photo: bo gunnarsson, svt archive and private films editing & graphics: jonas nilsson exhibition: du, jag & gp client: susanne rolf/ city museum of gothenburg