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Manuel Bernardo Barbosa Professor Auxiliar, Departamento de Informática, Universidade do Minho Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
Currently I work in cryptography, both at the theoretical and at the applied/implementation levels.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION : Tatu Ninja is the alias of Bernardo Barbosa, student, music lover and moderate bohemian.
IIJornadas do Quaternário da APEQ; Porto, FLUP, 12-13 Outubro de 2000. Problematical mapping of the quaternary deposits . [email protected]
Title: Espectral analysis of the vegetagion index in sugarcane irrigated area: Author: Vanda Maria de Lira ; Bernardo Barbosa da Silva ; José Dantas Neto ; Maria Sallydelândia Sobral ...
POPUP - Tecnologias Informao, Lda (Setor Tecnologia da informao e servios): IT Programmer, (Setembro de 2008-Maro de 2009)