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Name. Arthur Philips . Function . General Manager of CIPAL . Address. CIPALstraat 1 B-2440 Geel Belgium . Telephone. 32 (0)14 576552 . Fax. 32 (0)14 583500 . Email
Unemployment ratio model has as starting point the English economist Arthur Philips's theory, identifying the inverse relation between the level and dynamics of the wages and the ...
On March 13, at 23:30 hours, Ludo Helsen, provincial deputy, former president of the CIPAL, telephoned Arthur Philips, the managing director, to warn him of the situation.
On March 13, at 23:30 hours, Ludo Helsen, provincial deputy, former president of the CIPAL, telephoned Arthur Philips, the managing director, to warn him of the situation.
grumiaux arthur: philips record.1955-1977 (ruzni/klasika) (6-disc) 89. grumiaux arthur: pridavky pro housle nejsl. (ruzni/instrumental) (2-disc)