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BERGEN BLUES BAND Magnar "Hungry John" Bernes, vo, har, Kåre Sandvik, p, arr, Per Jørgensen, g, vo, Edvard Askeland, b, Willy Korneliussen, dr, add Arne Hjortland, tp, Johan ...
11.45 Presentation of the DIPS project (Arne Hjortland) 12.00-12.30 Lunch 12.30-13.15 Presentation of the DAK project (Sissel Mongstad) and the Tempus project
Arne Hjortland. Bergen – Liland. Norway. [email protected] DIPS Catarina Lanner-Jirle. Hoegaholmsskolan, Malmoe
performers: arne hjortland, edvard askeland, jan kÅre hystad, john magnar bernes, kÅre sandvik, ole jacob hystad, per jØrgensen, pjokken eide, willy korneliussen
performers: arne hjortland, edvard askeland, jan kÅre hystad, john magnar bernes, kÅre sandvik, ole jacob hystad, per jØrgensen, pjokken eide, willy korneliussen