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I am working as a researcher at the Department of Sociology, University of Turku. ... E-mail: antti.kouvo(at)
Antti Kouvo 8.2.2005. Social capital is one the most popular concepts in social sciences at the moment. One database search alone revealed that in 2003 international social science ...
Juho Härkönen (TY), [email protected], (02) 333 6566 ja Antti Kouvo (TY), [email protected]. PAIKKA JA AIKA Porthania, P307, vain pe
To keep the presentation, contact Antti Kouvo either by e-mail ([email protected]) or by telephone (02 333 6640). Place: Uno Harva Hall, Department of Social Sciences, Publicum ...
Antti Kouvo, Researcher, University of Turku Maria Suojanen, Research Associate, University of Turku Arja Kuula, Research Officer, FSD