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Address: Rua Martens Ferrão, No. 11 – 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Floors ... Mr. António Valentim Oliveira Simões, Senior Judge
António Valentim: 75: FPO: 3177: 259899: HE: HE: OK: Jorge Mendes: 75: FPO: 2054: 308345: HE: HE: OK: Mário Guterres: 80: FPO: 1830: 1010102: HE: HE: OK: Albertina Sá: 77: FPO: 3519: 1010119: DE: DE
Mr Antonio Valentim. Department of environment and quality. Município de Évora . Praça do Sertório. 7000 Evora. Portugal. Tel: 00351266777100. [email protected]
António Valentim: 75: FPO: 3177: 259899: ADFA: HE: HE: OK: Jorge Mendes: 75: FPO: 2054: 308345: ADFA: HE: HE: OK: Mário Guterres: 80: FPO: 1830: 1010102: ADFA: HE: HE: OK: Paulo Palhinha: 80: FPO: 4251
[email protected] (Antonio Valentim Couto e Vale) ct1dzy 93-9-9@ [email protected] (Antonio Valentim Cuoto e Vale) ct1dzy 93-9-9@ [email protected] (Ruben Mendes) ct1etz 93-5-27@
Glintt (Empresa privada; Setor Tecnologia da informao e servios): Software Engineer, (maro de 2007-maro de 2010)