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Anne Berit Brogaard Rynkeby Bygade 17 5350 Rynkeby Tlf. +45 6539 1676 Mobil +45 5132 2049 E-mail: [email protected]
Education 1996 - Dr. scient. Aquaculture, University of Bergen 1984 - Cand. real. Masters of Science in Ecology, University of Bergen Employment History 1984-1985: Institute ...
Work Area: Personnel Matters Holiday Matters Attestant for variable pay/compensation/travel bill Student Assistents/Learning Assistents/Summer Workers
Oddstein Follesø Anita Malmedal Ole Kamlund Lawrence Spreemann Tone Olsen Risnes Tehsina Hansen Anne Berit Follnes
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Stena Line (Privately Held; 5001-10,000 employees; Maritime industry): Sales, (1996-1998)