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Avhandlingar om ANNA THOMASSON. Sök bland 36322 avhandlingar från svenska högskolor och universitet på
Three Weavers - Three Means of Expression: Ingrid Berg, Anna Thomasson and Ulla Staffas. Pappelina, Lina Rickardsson and her recent plastic rugs.
Anna Thomasson; Responsible production; Diagnoser; prevention fall; pablo; Nyckeltal konkurser; Bygg; investeringar kalkyler; Musikhistoria; Angelica Kaldenvik
Anna Thomasson, Lund University, Sweden. School of Economics and Management, Lund University, P.O. Box 7080, SE-220 07 Lund, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected]
Corporate governance and accountability issues in hybrid organisations - A comparative analysis of the Swedish and Italian case Paper: Giuseppe Grossi, Anna Thomasson