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Andrzej Ossowski. Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of Polish Academy of Sciences)
"Sanus Travel" Andrzej Ossowski ul. Królowej Jadwigi 9/7, 81-765 Sopot, Poland tel. +48 58 550 11 81, fax +48 58 550 11 56 e-mail: [email protected]
The whole notion of a "personal mythology", to borrow a term from Andrzej Ossowski's "Drohobyckie bestiarium", entails the possibility that anything may gain mythic significance, ...
Andrzej Ossowski, Ph.D. Barbara Siemiątkowska, Ph.D. Graduates: Andrzej Chmielniak, M.Sc. Ireneusz Hallmann, M.Sc. Robert Konowrocki, M.Sc.
Zdzislaw Swiderski - railway systems: Andrzej Ossowski - control theory, stability analysis, genetic algorithms : Tomasz Szolc - active control, moving loads