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Wednesdays 12-14 (in Finnish) and Thursdays 8-10 (in English), Laboratory of Embedded Systems Room 3175 (starting this week) Andrey Lana, Ville Niskanen
The work is accepted after the group has demonstrated it's work in lab and returned well commented code to Andrey Lana by e-mail.
... Tuomo Vornanen Company: Tampere University of Technology Co-authors: Antti Mäkinen, Tampere University of Technology Pertti Järventausta, Tampere University of Technology Andrey Lana ...
Exact search for "lana gribanov safe:no" did not produce results. No worries, we've ... (abook-club) Belyanin Andrey - Lana (Gorbunov Sergey)
Power Factor Ay (Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry): Electronic engineer, (December 2006-April 2008...