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Ana Bravo's news & contact page on Netlog. Look at photos, videos, friends and much more of Ana.
NAME: Ana Bravo Zarza AFFILIATION: Universidad Autonoma of Madrid EMAIL: [email protected] . NAME: João Bizarro Cabral AFFILIATION: Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de ...
... 2007) Ljubljana: Institute for Slovenian Emigration Studies, 204 pp. (ISBN 978-961-254-043-2); Migration, Gender and National Identity: Spanish Migrant Women in London Ana Bravo ...
Ana BRAVO DEL MORAL (Spain) 16.20-16.40 Development of innovative molecular methods for the detection and the identification of Pseudomonas spp. in environmental and clinical samples
[My paper] Sergio Ruiz, Carmen Segrelles, Ana Bravo, Mirentxu Santos, Paloma Perez, Hugo Leis, Jose L Jorcano, Jesús M Paramio
FARMA APS (Privately Held; Pharmaceuticals industry): Quality Control Analyst, (November 2007-July 2008)
The Coca-Cola Com...