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and an hardy man of herte among an heep of theves. resembling a motor. or a hypothetical sun. travelling uniformly across. three basic emotions. hyperfine levels of the ground state
The group currently consists of 8 Ph.D. students (Kristof Van Werde, Dirk Mondelaers, Daniël Nelis, An Hardy, John Pagnaer, Elke Geuzens, Dirk Van Genechten, Annick Storms) and 4 ...
1 Crystallization resistance of barium titanate zirconate ultrathin films from aqueous CSD: a study of cause and effect An Hardy 1, 2,7, Sven Van Elshocht 3, Werner Knaepen 4, Jan D'Haen ...
Lead and bismuth iron oxides synthesized from aqueous solution-gel routes. Author(s) : Prof.dr. An Hardy:1,2 Thomas Vranken:1 Dr. Ricardo Jimenéz: 3 PhD student Joost Demeter: 4 Dr ...
Hasselt University (Educational Institution; Research industry): Postdoctoral research fellow - FWO, (October 2004-Present)
XIOS Hogeschool Limburg&nb...