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Alexandre Santos personal website ... Associate Professor Departament of Informatics, Computer Communications Group,
Alexandre Santos personal website ... Nuno Vasco Lopes, Maria J Nicolau, Alexandre Santos QoS-Aware Architecture for FHMIP Micromobility
E-mail: [email protected]: Academic Degrees: PhD: Scientific Areas: Computer Communications and Networks: Personal WWW Page:
Professors e Investigadores and Researchers of the Department of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico
Alexandre Santos: Gender: Male: Birth date: Jun 2nd, 1985: Birthplace:-Place of residence: ... Rookie - 221: 8: 1: 2: 1: 0: 35: 15: 2.33 $9.132.213: Retain group: 21: Rookie - 221
Mondial Assistance (Privately Held; Insurance industry): Technician at Maintenance & Extended Waranty Department, (June 2006-June 2008)&n...
Media Markt (Setor Electrnica de consumo): Department Leader, (febrero de 2004-junio de 2009)
ABN AMRO (Empresa pblica; 10.001 ou + funcionrios; ABN; Setor Bancos): MD, Head of Portfolio Management Solutions, (janeir...