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Alexander Malesevic Alexander Malesevic graduated as a Master in Physics at the University of Leuven in 2004. In the same year he started a PhD on the production and applications of ...
University of Twente, The Netherlands Raffaella Buonsanti, CNR-INFM, Lecce, Italy Markku Lämsä, Tekes, Finland Alexander Malesevic, VITO, Belgium
by Alexander Malesevic Promoters: Prof. Chris Van Haesendonck, Dr. Annick Vanhulsel Atomic force microscopy of self-assembled biomolecular structures and their interaction with ...
alexander malesevic, a. vanhulsel, c. van haesendonck 10. carbon nanotubes growth and anchorage to carbon fibres th.dikonimos makris, r. giorgi, n. lisi, e. salernitano, m. f. de ...
Alexander Malesevic, Roumen Vitchev, Koen Schouteden, Alexander Volodin, Liang Zhang, Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Annick Vanhulsel, Chris Van Haesendonck