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Aleksander Kozlowski: Poland: C25-MG: Lindas Terraced Residential Buildings: Mauritz Glaumann: Sweden: C25-RL: SPEAR Project: Raffaele Landolfo and Paolo Negro
... Germany Bernd DÖRING Greece Evangelos EFTHIMIOU Italy Sergio RUSSO ERMOLLI Lithuania Rosita NORVAISIENE Lithuania Edita SMETONAITE Malta Ruben Paul BORG Poland Aleksander KOZLOWSKI Poland ...
Aleksander Kozlowski [email protected] Robert Tremblay Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Canada [email protected]
Aleksander Kozlowski: [email protected]: PL: Szczepan Wolinski: [email protected]: PT: Carlos Coelho: [email protected]: RO: Radu Vacareanu: [email protected]
Aleksander Kozlowski: [email protected]: 11: PL: Szczepan Wolinski: [email protected]: 12: PT: Carlos Coelho: [email protected]: 13: RO: Radu Vacareanu (e-mail to be completed)
Ernst & Young Audit Sp. z o.o. (Partnership; Financial Services industry): Intern, (October 2009-March 2010)
Ernst & Young Usugi Ksigowe S...