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Carlos Alberto Fontes Ribeiro, University of Coimbra Cristina Rego, University of Coimbra João Capela, University Fernando Pessoa Fernando Mendes (IREFREA)
In Trophy Manager you take on the challenge of thousands of other real life players. The most advanced FREE online manager game out there!
In Trophy Manager you take on the challenge of thousands of other real life players. The most advanced FREE online manager game out there!
AMARAL, José Alberto Fontes Serra (1967), Subsídios para a História da Indústria da Chapelaria em S. João da Madeira, Porto. MARTINS, Mário Resende Martins and TEIXEIRA ...
Carlos Alberto Fontes Ribeiro, PhD (Center of Neurosciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Portugal) Cristina Maria Proença Padez, PhD (Research Center in ...