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Department of Business administration and social sciences: Department: Political Sciences: Email: [email protected]: Room:
jan-ake.lofgren Nilsson, Per Universitetslektor +46 90 7866862. per.nilsson Norberg, Micael
Arvodist Unit: Department of Business administration and social sciences Department: Political Sciences Email: [email protected] Room: A312
[email protected]. Cand.Dr. Kristina Söderholm. [email protected]. Cand.Dr. Mattias Strand. [email protected]. B.A. Sana Suljanovich
Hewlett-Packard (Public Company; HPQ; Computer Hardware industry): Senior Solutions Architect, (May 2009-October 2009)
Hewlett-Packard ...
Hewlett-Packard (Public Company; HPQ; Computer Hardware industry): Senior Solutions Architect, (May 2009-October 2009)
Hewlett-Packard ...