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Valeria Stroia, Frecus Corina, Balasa Adriana, Mihai Cristina, Zugravu Adina ABSTRACT. The authors present a case of an adolescent girl diagnosed at puberty with tuberous sclerosis ...
Contact person: Financial Director. acc Adriana Mihai e-mail : [email protected] QUALITY AND SAFETY DEP ARTMENT Contact person: eng. Constantin Vasile
17 Assessment in Psychiatric Education (Brian Lunn, Maria R. Corral and Adriana Mihai). 18 The Support and Welfare of the Student (Michael F. Myers).
The jury was composed of four judges, among which the coach Adriana Mihai Tatu and Mihai Ticiu and two professionals ring judges Dumitru Mocanasu, Ionut Bratiu.
inv. adriana mihai ... ecofest junior. international festival for children , young people and adults