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Mediations 2010
Membership Contact Gallery: Back to Exhibition Programme. Artist. Adam Klimczak . Project/Exhibition Title ' Firesides ' - An exhibition of recent Film, Photography and Installation work ...
Adam Klimczak | Des Cullen | Majella Clancy | Niamh McCann | Róisín Loughrey . Adam Klimczak , Artist in Residence 08/09. Project Statement - 'Firesides'
Adam Klimczak - co-founder & director Ewelina Chmielewska - manager Jerzy Grzegorski - co-founder Tomasz Matuszak - member Mariusz Soltysik-member
Adam Klimczak - Co-ordinator of artists' projects Monika Wendorff & Wanda Wilgucka-Gasiorowska - Management & Fund raising Katarzyna Legowska - Book-keeping