Xiaoyun Li | UCD School of Computer Science and Informatics
Xiaoyun Li is working for wireless sensor network project Bluedot+. His main research fields include power saving algorithms for IEEE 802.15.4 standard, coverage hole detection and ...
Xiaoyun Li's blog | UCD School of Computer Science and Informatics
UCD School of Computer Science & Informatics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Email: Tel: +353 1 716 2483 +353 1 716 2469
Bjrn Hafskjold
Xiaoyun Li: 1993: Ion transport in solid electrolytes by molecular dynamics simulations: Harald Thunem: 1993: Coalescence in dense water/oil dispersions
Dr. Anne C. Elster. Department of Computer & Information Science. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Sem Saelandsvei 9, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
rapid Diagnostic Tests for Animal and Human parasitic Diseases
Inventors: Dr. Xiaoyun Li, Dr. Chris Bleakley, Wojciech Bober School of Computing Science and Information. Status: A patent applications have been filed in (app. no. S2009/0783) .
Relative references Xiaoyun Li
Web Results
Xiaoyun Li is working for wireless sensor network project Bluedot+. His main research fields include power saving algorithms for IEEE 802.15.4 standard, coverage hole detection and ...
UCD School of Computer Science & Informatics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Email: Tel: +353 1 716 2483 +353 1 716 2469
Xiaoyun Li: 1993: Ion transport in solid electrolytes by molecular dynamics simulations: Harald Thunem: 1993: Coalescence in dense water/oil dispersions
Dr. Anne C. Elster. Department of Computer & Information Science. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Sem Saelandsvei 9, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Inventors: Dr. Xiaoyun Li, Dr. Chris Bleakley, Wojciech Bober School of Computing Science and Information. Status: A patent applications have been filed in (app. no. S2009/0783) .
Possible relatives