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Thomas Lepouttre Martijn Maris Geert Neuts Lieven Praet Richard Soeteman Thomas Surquin Ruben Verborgh I think about 50% of the people came from the Netherlands.
Thomas Lepouttre Martijn Maris Geert Neuts Lieven Praet Richard Soeteman Thomas Surquin Ruben Verborgh I think about 50% of the people came from the Netherlands.
West-Vlams voe behunners | Thomas Lepouttre: [...] doet me spontaan terugdenken aan Wim Opbrouck die “Rutte 98” (= Windows 98) cursus gaf tij...
West-Vlams voe behunners | Thomas Lepouttre: [...] doet me spontaan terugdenken aan Wim Opbrouck die “Rutte 98” (= Windows 98) cursus gaf tij...
Thomas Lepouttre @tlepouttre . 35. Nico Lubbers (Booleanpark) confirmed + dinner. 36. Dick Gennissen (Booleanpark) confirmed + dinner. 37. Ralph van Vugt @RalphieVee confirmed