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doc. Ing. Pavel Ryant, Ph.D. Academic staff - lecturer - Department of Agrochemistry, Soil Science, Microbiology and Plant Nutrition (FA) Vice-dean - Faculty of Agriculture
Veronika Supalkova, a,b Helena Stavelikova, c Sona Krizkova, b Vojtech Adam, b Ales Horna, d Ladislav Havel, a Pavel Ryant, e Petr Babula, f Rene Kizek b,* a Department of Plant Biology, b ...
... of Pepper Fruit by Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection Veronika Supalkova, a,b Helena Stavelikova, c Sona Krizkova, b Vojtech Adam, b Ales Horna, d Ladislav Havel, a Pavel Ryant ...
Pavel Ryant, Ludek Hrivna The effect of sulphur fertilisation on yield and technological parameters of spring wheat grain
Mendel University in Brno (Education Management industry): teacher, (2006-2008)