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P.O. Box 479 (Arkadiankatu 22) 00101 Helsinki Finland Phone: +358 (0)9 431 331
Management consulting and M&A advisory ... New Kids in Town Mikko Vesa. Mr. Mikko Vesa has been appointed as a Consultant at Gearshift Group.
The Cub Scout group will attend the camps and daytrips with the Finnish groups. Those interested in the membership of the English-speaking Cub Scout group can contact Mikko Vesa ...
Other persons marked to commercial register. Aikkila Mikko Vesa Tapani, Varatilintarkastaja Heikkinen Marko Johannes, Varajäsen Pellikka Paavo Sakari, Tilintarkastaja
The practical realisation of the study was undertaken by Mikko Vesa, master of philosophy, MBA and he was given support and guidance by a reflection group consisting of Lasse ...
Sea Safety Scandinavia (Sports industry): SSI Diving Instructor, (December 2007-Present) Certified SSI Instructor working via SeaSafety S...