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Upphandlare/inköpssamordnare i Lindesbergs kommun Kandidat till årets GNET-pris
Title: A comparative study on the efficacy of four anthelmintics on some important reindeer parasites: Author: Magnus Nordkvist ; Claes Rehbinder ; D. Christensson ; C. Rönnbäck
When the former Government Veterinary Officer, DVM Magnus Nordkvist, retired in 1988, Claes filled the gap and became the "veterinarian of reindeer science" in Sweden.
Magnus Nordkvist: Some reindeer diseases from a geomedival point of view. 147 Trond Haider, Kristen Helgeland and Jon Jonsen: A geomedical investigation in Norway.
A tribute to a respected scientist - Magnus Nordkvist Author: Hans-Jörgen Hansen --- Sven Skjenneberg --- Claes Rehbinder Journal: Rangifer Year: 2010 Vol: 10 Issue: 4 Pages/record No.: ...