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Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania sunday, 9 january 2011, 8:05: Telephone: +4021 316 0300, +4021 414 1111
Simona Georgiana Ariton 1, Mihaela Pauna 1, George Iulian Mihai 1. 1 Department of Removable Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Carol Davila ...
... 1-7 cEphaloMEtrIc EvalUatIon of thE Max Illo MandIb Ular rElatIonshIps of a patIEnt wEarIng coMplEtE dEntUrEs simona Georgiana ariton, Mihaela pauna, George Iulian Mihai Objective: The ...
Liviu Gelu Draghici*, George Iulian Sîrbu** The Adviser's Skills in the Interpersonal Conflict Corina Iurea: The Current Status of The School Counseling in Romania
Actors: Olivia Bonamy, Michaël Cohen, Adriana Mocca, Maria Roman, Camelia Maxim, Alexandru Boghiu, Emanuel Stefanuc, Horia Ioan, Stefan Cornic, George Iulian
"D3 Generatii" Association (Non-Profit Organization Management industry): Volunteer, (November 2009-Present)
Concav Counseling Services (Human Resources industry): Car...
"D3 Generatii" Association (Non-Profit Organization Management industry): Volunteer, (November 2009-Present)
Concav Counseling Services (Human Resources industry): Car...