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Erikoistutkija / Senior Researcher Käyttäytymistieteiden ja filosofian laitos, psykologia / Department of Behavioural Sciences and Philosophy, Psychology
Henkilökunta. Julkaisuluettelo Elisa Poskiparta Väitöskirja (Doctoral dissertation) Poskiparta, E. (2002). Remediation of Reading Difficulties in Grades 1 and 2.
Elisa Poskiparta, M.SocSc., Department of Psychology, Centre for Learning Research, University of Turku, FIN-20014 Turku, Finland.
Janne Lepola, Marja Vauras ja Elisa Poskiparta: A longitudinal study of reading and motivation from preschool to the eight grade (p.
The project is co-led by Christina Salmivalli and Elisa Poskiparta, Director of the Centre for Learning Research. Text: Johanna Tilkanen Photo: Vesa-Matti Väärä