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Aki Vuolio, Lis.Sc. (Tech.) Division Manager, Special structures and Development tel. +358-9-618 46 370 mobile +358-41-510 2105 aki.vuolio
Aki Vuolio ... Masashi Kikuta, Takahiro Murakami, Shin'ichi Aratani
Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. sc. techn. Rudolf Hess from Switzerland who acted as the pre-examiner of this Licentiate's thesis. Espoo, October 2003 Aki Vuolio
... Teknillisen korkeakoulun teräsrakennetekniikan laboratorion julkaisuja 22 Espoo 2001 TKK-TER-22 KAKSOISJULKISIVUJÄRJESTELMIEN RAKENNETEKNIIKKA Aki Vuolio Helsinki ...
Lic. Sc. Olavi Tenhunen, Lic. Sc. Aki Vuolio: Nordic Systems - teleinformatic development project: PhD. Markku Heinisuo, M.Sc. Jarkko Kautonen, director Allan Savola