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City of Residence: New York City & Lancaster, P.A.,. Has default language Biography Adela-Adriana Moscu Personal Webpage Adela-Adriana Moscu Use this address to access this author ...
A rose is a symbol of love, It fills our heart with perfume, How gentle and also suave It sings a wonderful tune. |
Retete in versuri si proza - CD Rom : Si toata bucuria acelor ani tristi : Sorin Despot : Adela-Adriana Moscu : Modest Morariu : Apasa : Dansul dorului. Editie bilingva
Va trimit multumiri pentru talentul si munca depusa la acest website si va transmit tuturor toate cele bune! BRAVO! adela-adriana moscu MSW, LCSW, ACSW